So like I mentioned in a previous post - I've been dealing with a bad case of brassy orange hair due to a bright idea I had to lighten my hair. In my defence, I wasn't warned about the high probability of it turning orange. I've been complaining to everyone around me for months about my orange hair and either they all don't have a finely tuned eye for tones or they're all lying to spare my feelings.
I went to two different colorists, at two different salons to get the orange toned down but neither were successful. I decided I've had enough and wasn't prepared to spend any more of my precious resources on yet another failure.
I decided to take control, educate myself and fix the issue at hand. I watched HOURS of YouTube videos on how to create a balayage/ombre look. I researched the best drugstore brand hair color and got to work.
Here's the final product. It feels good to be a brunette again.